VISIT ICHINOMIYA discover the real rural Japan 有着深沉的历史的传承,有着宁静的田园风光,有着长长的承受着太平洋滔滔海浪冲撞着的海岸・・・・ 一之宫村旅游项目 一之宫村导游 景点 在一之宫村有很多历史,祭祀,文学,室外体育,自然的名所,让你流连忘返。 体验 在一之宫可以体验冲浪,骑马,水果采摘,蔬菜栽培等各种体育运动和农业活动。还可以学习一之宫特有的卷寿司。 美味儿 在一之宫村可以品尝到各个季节的海鲜,水果,蔬菜、传统料理,地方名酒。 日本有名的冲浪海域 Surfing 并荣幸的被指定为 2020年奥运会的冲浪赛场 一之宫村虽然一面靠海,但它作为农业村庄还有着美丽的田园风光。到处都能看到稻田及老式的农家院落。 历史探索 有1200年以上历史的古社 玉前神社 Start planning your holiday in Ichinomiya Getting to IchinomiyaTraveling to Ichinomiya is easier than you think. There are direct express trains with fancy cars from Tokyo station. Narita and Haneda airports are located within 100 km distance. Local tours and activitiesVISIT ICHINOMIYA offers various tours and activities that are waiting for you to discover. Accomodations( *Japanese)There are accommodation options that are diverse, with something for every level of comfort and budget in Ichinomiya. TransportationsGetting around Ichinomiya is very simple, there are some transportation options to suit your mind. Local restaurants( *Japanese)Eating local foods are memorable of your trip. Various restaurants are available providing seafoods, ramen noodles, surfers plates etc. Shopping( *Japanese)Local products are available such as Japanese sweets, handmade items, character goods, surfing equipments and so on. Tips for traveling in IchinomiyaFind out the locations of information centers, ATM, wifi and general topics of Ichinomiya. Neighbour spots( *Japanese)Looking around Ichinomiya is our highly recommended option. 咨 询 News Related Links 祝愿你在一之宫村度过美好的时光 Relax with rich natural beauty, blue ocean and sky, fantastic sunrise. Get in touch 公司地址 千叶县长生郡一宫町一宫2967 咨询 电话 : +81-50-6862-9318 Mail: 营业时间 每天 10:00 – 17:00 Follow Us